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Level editor topics

Trees, grass and shrubberies are handled somewhat differently from other models. They are created using a program called SpeedTree that includes information allowing them to respond to the wind.

Vegetation Placement

To place trees on a level, you first need to add that tree type's tree controller:

Level editor insert tree controller.png

This combines having to choose a type of vegetation model

Since the names of these models can often be a bit inscrutable, a list of Vegetation Models with Screenshots mainly for this purpose is available.

See Vegetation list

Moving and placing Vegetation

To start placing, click on the scatter object tool (IconScatterObject.png) and choose one of the vegetation controllers that have been added and start placing.

Selecting Vegetation

Any single object can be selected from the controller, or from the viewport ,and be relocated with the movement tools from the toolbar. When clicking on models in the layout there will often be other foreground objects that are in the way, preventing the immediate selection of the object you wanted. Simply keep clicking on the same spot to cycle through all of the objects that are underneath the mouse pointer.

Vegetation Resource Format

Vegetation is created using a program called Speedtree. This is available with the Toolset.

See Main Article: SpeedTree