HeroicPartyStats 2da

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The HeroicPartyStats 2da defines the properties used to track and display the party's collective performance.

The 2da is defined as an m2da in the M2DA_base 2da and has an ID of 270. It can be extended by m2da fragments which have names starting with HeroicPartyStats. It has not been assigned a TABLE_* constant.


Column Type Description
ID int A number that uniquely identifies the entry (unless creating an M2DA override). ID numbers are listed from smallest to highest within a given file but do not need to be consecutive.
Stat string Human Readable statname
Min float Minimum value possible
Max float Maximum value possible
UIMapping int
NameStrId int
DescStrId int
NonCombatEffect int
CombatEffect int
EngineLink int See above
ToolsetName string
bShowInToolset int
Constant comment
bShowInPartyPicker int
SortOrder int Sorts ascending, negative values allowed