Feature Request: Normals for Lightmapping

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Please modify the lightmapping script and/or associated binaries to get normals correctly to the lightmapper.


As taken from LightMapper.py:

# TODO: Normals are not currently getting to Yafray. Lightmaps would look much better with them, though

There's not a whole lot to add to that, really. Especially caves and similar environments with lots of round shapes suffer horribly from being flat shaded. Getting the normals into Yafray would mean a huge leap in lighting quality - getting a cave level to look similar to the levels that ship with the game is almost impossible right now, since the flat shading means "sharp corners everywhere!".

BioWare BWIcon rgb.png
This issue has been recorded in BioWare's internal tracking system.

Reference number: 214368 -BryanDerksen