Cutscene action

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Cutscene topics

Cutscene actions are applied to objects by adding them to generic tracks on the timeline.

Not all actions are applicable to all types of objects in a cutscene. The following table shows which actions are available with which objects:

Action MASTER IconMASTER.png Camera IconCamera.png Creature IconCreature.png Placeable IconPlaceable.png Sound IconSound.png Light IconLight.png VFX IconVFX.png Proxy IconProxy.png
Active Camera              
Adjust For Player Height              
Animate Face              
Change Visibility      
Draw Weapon              
Jump to Stage Place          
Jump to Stage Camera              
Link to Actor  
Orientation Follows Curve  
Play Animation      
Play Bink Movie              
Set Fog              
Set Gore              
Shake (Orientation)        
Shake (Position)        
Skip Marker              
Snap to Walkmesh  
Speak Line        
Toggle Physics          

The camera target object (IconCameraTarget.png) does not support any actions.

Active Camera IconMASTER.png

While a cutscene can have many cameras, obviously only one camera can be active at any one time.

The MASTER object has an "Active Camera" track. To switch to a specific camera first move the timeline marker to the point where the camera cut is to take place. Then add a “Switch Camera” action to the track.

The next step is to set which camera the scene is supposed to cut to. In the Object Inspector there is a Camera field. This lists all of the placed cameras. Simply select the desired camera.

Adjust For Player Height IconCamera.png

This action is applicable to cameras only, and is only available when a stage is set for the cutscene.

!!Confirm that this action simply move the camera up or down along the vertical axis depending on character height!!

End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins

Animate Face IconCreature.png

Applies a FaceFX facial performance to an actor's face. The FaceFX performance is in an FXA file. This action is useful mainly if you want control over a character's facial expression but don't have dialogue for them to say with a "Speak Line" action while doing it.

Facial animations don't play for creatures that haven't had a pose set.

End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins
Animate Face
FA Head Movement Whether the associated FaceFX will move the actor's head. Can be set to face, head, or lips.
FXA Override The FXA that will be used to play the FaceFX.
String ID The string ID associated with the FaceFX animation.

Change Visibility IconCreature.png IconPlaceable.png IconLight.png IconVFX.png IconProxy.png

Allows actors to be set visible or invisible as the cutscene progresses.

End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins
Visible Whether the actor is visible or invisible at this time.

Draw Weapon IconCreature.png

Sets whether the actor has its equipped weapons drawn. The main hand and off hand can be set independently.

End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins
Main Drawn Whether the actor's main weapon is drawn at this time.
Off Drawn Whether the actor's off weapon is drawn at this time.

Headtracking IconCreature.png IconProxy.png

See Headtracking for more details.

This action causes the actor to turn its head toward a target. Headtracking behavior can be a suprisingly complex problem in some circumstances. There are many competing factors, and it's the type of thing that has to just "look right" but its hard to come up with rules for.

Jump to Stage Place IconCreature.png IconPlaceable.png IconProxy.png

Only available if the cutscene has its stage property set.

End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins
Stage Place
Look At A stage place to turn the actor's entire body to face. If empty the actor faces the default direction for the place.
Place Tag The tag of the place in the stage to jump to.

Jump to Stage Camera IconCamera.png

Only available if the cutscene has its stage property set.

End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins
Stage Camera
Default Camera If false the tag is the tag of the stage camera to jump to. If true the tag is the tag of the stage place whose default camera will be used.
Tag Normally the tag of the camera in the stage to jump to. If "Default Camera" is true, however, it represents the tag of the place whose default camera will be used.

Link to Actor IconCamera.png IconCreature.png IconPlaceable.png IconSound.png IconLight.png IconVFX.png IconProxy.png

End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins
Link Target
Actor The actor to link to.
Node The specific node on the actor to link to.
Use Offset If false this actor will link directly to the target node. If true it will use the target node as its origin, and its position and orientation keys will be offset from it. When using "Use Offset" you will need to add Bracketing Keys to the actor.

Orientation Follows Curve IconCamera.png IconCreature.png IconPlaceable.png IconSound.png IconLight.png IconVFX.png IconProxy.png

While this action is enabled, the orientation of the object is overridden so that it faces "forward" along the object's position curve. For example, a moving arrow will automatically point in the direction of its flight, and a walking man will face in the direction he's moving.

End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins

Play Animation IconCamera.png IconCreature.png IconPlaceable.png IconVFX.png IconProxy.png

See play animation for full details.

Playing single animations on objects is very simple — all that needs to be done is a Play Animation action is assigned, and an animation is chosen. There are also more complex options that allow the user to blend two or more animations together.

Play Bink Movie IconMASTER.png

End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins
Movie The bink movie (*.bik) to play

Set Fog IconMASTER.png

End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins
Fog Cap The maximum amount of fog.
Fog intensity The intensity of the fog.
Fog Max Color The color of the fog.
Fog Override Enabled If true the other properties of this action will override the level's fog settings. If false the fog settings will return to the default for the level.
Vertical Fog Zenith The vertical fog zenith.

Set Gore IconCreature.png

End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins

Shake (Orientation) IconCamera.png IconCreature.png IconPlaceable.png IconProxy.png

The Shake (Orientation) action has three curves that can be edited with the curve editor; YawStrength, PitchStrength, and RollStrength.

End Time The time that the action ends
Start Time The time that the action starts
Pitch Strength The amplitude of the noise in pitch
Roll Strength The amplitude of the noise in roll
Yaw Strength The amplitude of the noise in yaw
Correlated If true, points on the curve affect their neighbors. This leads to a much more muted noise.
Frequency The frequency of the noise. Larger frequencies will lead ot faster change.
Roughness Affects how rough fractal noise is. It affects the number of noise layers.
Seed The random seed for the noise. Changing this value will give a different set of random noise.
Type The type of noise. White noise is pure random noise. Smooth noise uses the frequency to create a relatively smooth random curve. Fractal noise generates multiple levels of noise which makes the noise fairly smooth, but more organic.
Ramp In During the ramp in time the amplitude of the noise will rise from 0 to the value set. This takes place at the beginning of the action.
Ramp Out During the ramp out time the amplitude of the noise will fall from the value set to 0. This takes place at the end of the action.

Shake (Position) IconCamera.png IconCreature.png IconPlaceable.png IconProxy.png

The Shake (Position) action has three curves that can be edited with the curve editor; XStrength, YStrength, and ZStrength.

End Time The time that the action ends
Start Time The time that the action starts
X Strength The amplitude of the noise in the X direction
Y Strength The amplitude of the noise in the Y direction
Z Strength The amplitude of the noise in Z direction
Correlated If true, points on the curve affect their neighbors. This leads to a much more muted noise.
Frequency The frequency of the noise. Larger frequencies will lead ot faster change.
Roughness Affects how rough fractal noise is. It affects the number of noise layers.
Seed The random seed for the noise. Changing this value will give a different set of random noise.
Type The type of noise. White noise is pure random noise. Smooth noise uses the frequency to create a relatively smooth random curve. Fractal noise generates multiple levels of noise which makes the noise fairly smooth, but more organic.
Ramp In During the ramp in time the amplitude of the noise will rise from 0 to the value set. This takes place at the beginning of the action.
Ramp Out During the ramp out time the amplitude of the noise will fall from the value set to 0. This takes place at the end of the action.

Skip Marker IconMASTER.png

End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins

Snap to Walkmesh IconCamera.png IconCreature.png IconPlaceable.png IconSound.png IconLight.png IconVFX.png IconProxy.png

Forces the object's vertical position to the walkmesh. Useful for moving an object so that it follows the terrain automatically.

End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins

Speak Line IconMASTER.png IconCreature.png IconPlaceable.png IconProxy.png

Causes a line of dialogue to be spoken. The line of dialogue is taken from an existing conversation resource and includes text, voice-over, and FaceFX facial performance.

Narration without an in-scene source can be assigned to the MASTER object.

If all of the lines in a cutscene come from a single conversation resource (a common approach to organizing cutscene conversation), you might find it efficient to copy and paste an existing speak line action when adding new lines. This allows you to avoid having to select the same conversation manually for each new line.

End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins
Speak Line
FA Head Movement Whether the associated FaceFX will move the actor's head. Can be set to face, head, or lips.
No VO In Game If true the game will not expect VO for this line. Instead it will just display the caption.
Source Conversation The conversation that the line comes from.
Source Line The line within the source conversation that's to be spoken.
text The text that will be spoken.

Toggle Physics IconCreature.png IconPlaceable.png IconProxy.png

End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins
Physics Switches
Cloth Whether cloth physics should be applied to the object at this time.