Combat GetFlankingBonus

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float Combat_GetFlankingBonus(object oAttacker, object oTarget)
    if (HasAbility(oTarget, ABILITY_TALENT_SHIELD_TACTICS))
        if (IsUsingShield(oTarget))
            return 0.0;
    if (GetHasEffects(oTarget, EFFECT_TYPE_FLANK_IMMUNITY))
        return 0.0;
    float fAngle = GetAngleBetweenObjects(oTarget, oAttacker);
    float fFactor = 0.0;
    float fMaxModifier = 15.0;
    // The attackers ability to flank is stored in a creature property
    float fFlankingAngle = GetCreatureProperty(oAttacker, PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_FLANKING_ANGLE);
    if (fFlankingAngle <= 10.0 ) /*old savegames have this at 10*/
        fFlankingAngle = 60.0; // old savegames need this to avoid divby0 later
    else if (fFlankingAngle>180.0)
        fFlankingAngle = 180.0;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (HasAbility(oAttacker, ABILITY_TALENT_COMBAT_MOVEMENT))
        fMaxModifier = 20.0;
    if ( fMaxModifier <= 0.0 )
        return 0.0;
    if ( (fAngle>= (180.0 - fFlankingAngle) && fAngle<=(180.0 + fFlankingAngle )))
        // Shield block negats flanking on the left.
        int bShieldBlock =  HasAbility(oTarget,ABILITY_TALENT_SHIELD_BLOCK);
        int bUsingShield = IsUsingShield(oTarget);
        if (!bShieldBlock || fAngle < 180.0 || (bShieldBlock && !bUsingShield) )
            fFactor = (fFlankingAngle -  fabs( 180.0 - fAngle))/fFlankingAngle;
    // Only rogues get the full positional benefits on the battlefield,
    // everyone else gets halfa
    float fClassModifier = GetCreatureCoreClass(oAttacker) == CLASS_ROGUE?1.0f:0.5f;
    return fFactor * fMaxModifier * fClassModifier;