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Used for:

* @brief Check if a deathblow should occur.
* Examine a number of parameters to see whether or not we can play a deathblow
* without interrupting the flow of combat.
* @author Georg Zoeller
int CheckForDeathblow(object oAttacker, object oTarget)
    int nRank = GetCreatureRank(oTarget);
    int nLevel = GetLevel(oAttacker);
    float fChance = GetM2DAFloat(TABLE_CREATURERANKS,"fDeathblow", nRank);
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Any rank flagged 1.0 or higher triggers a deathblow.
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (fChance >= 1.0f)
        return TRUE;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // If we perceive more than 1 creature, then half the chance of triggering
    // a deathblow with each perceived hostile.
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    int nCount = GetArraySize(GetPerceivedCreatureList(oAttacker, TRUE));
    if (nCount > 1)
        fChance *= (2.0/IntToFloat(nCount));
    //Increase chance of death blow in origin stories (level 1 and 2)
    //1.5 times the chance
    if ( nLevel < 3 )
        fChance *= 1.5;
    return (RandomFloat()<fChance);