ANIM 2da

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The ANIM_ 2da defines the creature and placeable animations.

The 2da is defined as an m2da in the M2DA_base 2da and has an ID of 0. It can be extended by m2da fragments which have names starting with ANIM_. It can also be referenced in scripting using the TABLE_BASE_ANIMATIONS or TABLE_COMBAT_ANIMATIONS constants defined in 2da_constants_h.


Column Type Description
ID int A number that uniquely identifies the entry (unless creating an M2DA override). ID numbers are listed from smallest to highest within a given file but do not need to be consecutive.
Label string This should be generic animation name regardless of creature model. The exact animation based on creature is references inside the animation blend trees
Strref int String Reference for the name of the animation. Used primarily for the toolset and animation states on placeables.
Type int The type of the animation. This is a bitfield indicating if the animation is a looping animation, fire and forget, overlay, movement animation, stationary… etc.
  • 0x0001 - Looping
  • 0x0002 - Overlay
  • 0x0004 - Ambient
  • 0x0008 - Moving
  • 0x0010 - Equip
  • 0x0020 - Unequip
  • 0x0040 - PartyAttack
  • 0x0080 - SimpleAttack
  • 0x0100 - Parry
  • 0x0200 - Dodge
  • 0x0400 - Damage
  • 0x0800 - Deathblow
  • 0x1000 - Spellcasting
  • 0x2000 - Visual Effect
  • 0x4000 - Twitchs
AnimName string This is the actual name of the animation specified in the model file.
WieldType int Specifies the type of weapon wields the specified animation is supposed to work with.
SynchAnim int If it's a synchronized animation the index of the synchronized animation will be specified here.
TransitionTo int The Id of the looping animation that will be played after this one.
Priority int
  • 0 - Invalid
  • 1 - Low
  • 2 - Medium
  • 3 - High
  • 4 - Max
DisableLookat bool Specifies if the lookat behavior should be disabled while playing this animation.
State int Transition animations have their end state:
  • 0 - Pause/Ready (standing up)
  • 1 - Lying down (dead, knocked down, sleeping, etc..)
Replacement int This animation replaces the original animation if it is missing from the blend tree