StateCnt * 2da

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Revision as of 22:40, 8 October 2011 by Sunjammer (Talk | contribs) (Extracted from Placeables.xls)

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There is one StateCnt_* 2da for each type of placeable that can be in multiple states such as, for example, a container which can be open, closed and unlocked, closed and locked, and destroyed.

The StateCnt_* 2da files are not listed in the M2DA_base 2da and have not been assigned a TABLE_* constant.

Each StateCnt_* 2da has the following columns in common:

Column Type Description
ID int A number that uniquely identifies the entry (unless creating an M2DA override). ID numbers are listed from smallest to highest within a given file but do not need to be consecutive.
Label string The entries on this page pertain to entries in the AMIN_placeables 2da
Action0 int Id of an entry in placeable_interactions 2da representing the primary action
Success0 int Id of an entry in the current StateCnt_<type> 2da representing the new state
Success0A int Id of an alternate entry in the current StateCnt_<type> 2da representing the new state
Action1 int Id of an entry in placeable_interactions 2da representing the secondary action
Success1 int Id of an entry in the current StateCnt_<type> 2da representing the new state
Success1A int Id of an alternate entry in the current StateCnt_<type> 2da representing the new state
BlockVis int Set this to non-zero if you want this state to block visibility
STRREF int Unknown (0 in all default StateCnt_<type> 2da)

There are two Success columns for each Action because the new state may depend on the relative position of the Player. For example, doors can open forwards or backwards and a ballista can turn left or right.

In addition, each state has its own row and its own column. So, for example, a container would have rows and columns for its four possible states, like so:

Closed_Unlocked Closed_Locked Open Dead
Closed_Unlocked 1025 1025 1027 1029
Closed_Locked 1025 1025 1027 1029
Open 1028 1028 1024 1029
Dead **** **** **** 1026

The numbers in the grid correspond to the ID of entries in the AMIN_placeables 2da representing the animation used to change from the old state to the new state. So, for example, a door going from Closed_Unlocked to Open would use the Door Opening animation.

The following placeable types each have their own 2da, each with the following state lists:

Placeable type States Notes
Bridge Active, Inactive, Destroyed
AreaTransition Unlocked, Locked
Furniture Idle, Dead
Informational Active
AOE Idle, Triggered, Dead
FlipCover Idle, Cover, Dead Flip cover has been cut from the game, this is a leftover from when it was implemented
Trap_Trigger Inactive_Enabled, Inactive_Disabled, Active
NonSelectable_Trap Idle1, Idle2
Selectable_Trap Idle, Active, Dead
Puzzle Active, Dead
Destroy Active, Dead
Cage Closed_Unlocked, Closed_Locked, Open, Dead
Bodybag Unlocked
Container_Static Unlocked, Locked, Dead
Container Closed_Unlocked, Closed_Locked, Open, Dead
BBase Idle, IdleLeft, IdleRight, Dead
Trigger Active, Inactive, Dead
Door Closed_Unlocked, Closed_Locked, Open, Dead, Open_1, Dead_2