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The RACE_base 2da defines each of the playable and non-playable races.

The 2da is defined as an m2da in the M2DA_base 2da and has an ID of 5. It can be extended by m2da fragments which have names starting with "RACE_". It can be referenced in scripting using the TABLE_RULES_RACES constant defined in 2da_constants_h.


Column Type Description
ID int A number that uniquely identifies the entry (unless creating an M2DA override). ID numbers are listed from smallest to highest within a given file but do not need to be consecutive.
Label string
Abbreviation string Abbreviation for the race
Name int The string reference ID in the string table that contains the name of the race.
ConvNamePlural int The string reference ID in the string table that contains the plural version of the name of the race.
Description int The string reference ID in the string table that contains the short description of the race.
Tooltip int The string reference ID in the string table that contains the tooltip text for the race.
Appearance int A row ID in APR_base 2da representing the appearance of the race.
StrAdjust float A bonus this race gets to starting strength attribute.
ConAdjust float A bonus this race gets to starting constitution attribute.
WillAdjust float A bonus this race gets to starting willpower attribute.
MagAdjust float A bonus this race gets to starting magic attribute.
IntAdjust float A bonus this race gets to starting cunning attribute.
DexAdjust float A bonus this race gets to starting dexterity attribute.
BackgroundTable string
ClassTable string
PlayerRace int Determines whether this race can be taken by a player.
Constant string The RACE_* constant used in scripts to refer to this race, for example "RACE_DWARF".
Ability1 int A row ID in ABI 2da. If its valid it will add that ability to the character when you take this race.
Ability2 int A row ID in ABI 2da. If its valid it will add that ability to the character when you take this race.

See also