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Revision as of 22:32, 8 October 2011

The placeable_types 2da contains most of the details defining each placeable: other 2da files define tables of data for various generic types of placeable.

Placeable_types is an m2da and has an ID of 93 in the M2DA_base 2da. It can be referenced in scripting using the TABLE_PLACEABLE_TYPE constant.

The Label column is the name used by the toolset to refer to this placeable's appearance type. Individual instances can be named something else in the game itself using the placeable's Name property. The ModelName and BlendTree columns respectively associate the 3D model and animations with the placeable type.

Column Type Description
ID int A number that uniquely identifies the entry (unless creating an M2DA override). ID numbers are listed from smallest to highest within a given file but do not need to be consecutive.
Label string
StrRef int
ModelName string The full model file name (without extension) including and only the highest LOD variation if applicable
BlendTree string
DestroyVFX int
CrustVFX int
OcclusionFactor float Value between 0.0 (no occlusion) and 1.0 (full occlusion)
StateController string Name of the StateCnt_* 2da that defines the different states and interactions available to the placeable
RemoveWhenDead int
BaseType int Unused according to the following BioWare developer comments:

ross: This is to replace the body bags flag, and so that we can determine what a placeable is, a door, a chest, body bag, etc. These correspond to values on the placeable_basetypes 2da.
yaron: We don't use this value - not in scripting and not in engine - we can get rid of it

TurnRate float
EnableCollisionEvent int When non-zero, this placeable will generate an EVENT_TYPE_PLACEABLE_COLLISION event
GeneratePathInfo int
Height float Specify the height of the placeable. If no height is specified the height will be infered from the objects geometry. NOTE: If the object is rotated in space the height value provided here will not change, however if the height is computed it will be the height of the object after it has been rotated.
Health int
PickLockSuccess string
PickLockFailure string
PpenContainerSound string
ClosedToOpened string sound on action
OpenedToClosed string
Destroyed string
Used string
Locked string
Hit string
Unknown string Label from the sound_item_materials 2da. NOT USED - info for designers ONLY
Sword string
Axe string
Blunt string
Dagger string
Staff string
Barehands string
Claws string
Arrow string
Rock string
Shield-wood string
Shield-steel string