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A follower is a friendly non-player character who will accompany the player on his/her journey until the follower decides to leave, is dismissed or dies.

A follower may be a party member (also referred to as a companion) or be a non-party member. Party members can be controlled directly by the player and typically will be more developed than non-party members: they may have their own quest lines; they may have banter with each other; they may approve or disapprove of the player's actions; they may be romanceable; etc.

List of companions


Companion Resource Name Notes
Alistair gen00fl_alistair
Dog gen00fl_dog
Leilana gen00fl_leilana
Loghain gen00fl_loghain
Morrigan gen00fl_morrigan
Orghen gen00fl_orghren
Shale gen00fl_shale The Stone Prisoner (DAO_PRC_CP_2)
Wynne gen00fl_wynne
Zevran gen00fl_zevran


Companion Resource Name Notes
Anders gxa000fl_anders
Justice gxa000fl_justice
Nathaniel gxa000fl_nathaniel
Oghren gxa000fl_oghren
Sigrun gxa000fl_sigrun
Velanna gxa000fl_velanna

See also