User talk:BryanDerksen

From Dragon Age Toolset Wiki
Revision as of 01:31, 21 July 2009 by Sunjammer (Talk | contribs) (Scripting Section)

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At some point I'll certainly dive in to the whole wiki but my primary concern right now is generating the pages for the scripting section. I have an application (the same one I used to produce the dascript.php GeSHi configuration file) which would be capable of mass producing the pages for each native function and helping to produce the pages for the constant groups which can then all be loaded into the wiki en masse. In order to do this though we (as a group) need to decide on the naming conventions (i.e. do we add a prefix, suffix, nothing) and the basic layout of the page. I would also like to avoid putting example scripts directly on the page and instead transclude them from a "script library" section. That way if we need to/want to correct an example we only need to do it once.