Texture Formats

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Revision as of 02:58, 11 January 2010 by Eshme (Talk | contribs)

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Textures in DAO are stored in DDS File Format. It is easily editable in many Grafic Packages. Or they can be made to with external tools, like Nvidia's DDS Tools.


DAO uses different types of Textures, while they are all in DDS Format, have different purposes. The Filename Scheme differentiates those Types with a letter appendix. Most common is Models having 4 different Types of Textures. All these files are referenced by the MAO File when creating the Model. A list of Texture Types, taking the Deer Model as an example.

c_deera_0d.dds (Diffuse Texture "d" Appendix)

c_deera_0n.dds (Normal Map "n" Appendix)

c_deera_0s.dds (Specular Map "s" Appendix)

c_deera_0t.dds (Tint Map "t" Appendix)

Quality Level

Some Models also use multiple Quality Versions of Textures. For example a Model may use a Diffuse Texture with 3 different levels of Quality. This is the same Texture in multiple sizes ranging from small to big. A Diffuse texture at Level 2 may use a "dl2" Appendix. "d" for Diffuse, "l2" for Level 2. An Example on the Deer Models additional Quality Versions for Diffuse, Specular and Tint Map.







(((Someone Needs to add knowledge how the game differentiates these, and how to add those to new Models)))

Diffuse Texture

This Texture holds the "Color" Information. How the Model is colorized. However each Model can get tinted later on, so the colorization in game can be shifted into different color tones. However the Structure of the Paint applied the the Diffuse Texture stays.

Color Painting is done in the RGB Channel. The Alpha Channel holds the Models Transparency. (???Need clarification here, as some textures like uh_har_0d.dds use transparency in the Blue channel???)

Normal Map

This is a Bump Map Type, giving structure into otherwise flat Diffuse Paintings. Oftentimes this map is larger than the Diffuse Texture, due to the fact that fine Structure is benefitting more to the overall appearance, than a finer Color Map.

Specular Map

This Texture holds Specular Information. How much the Model shines and reflects light at certain angles. Lips are Shiny, Cloth rather not.





(((clarification anyone?)))

Tint Map

External Links

Nvidia DDS Plugin http://developer.nvidia.com/object/photoshop_dds_plugins.html