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Revision as of 23:40, 14 December 2010 by Apolyon6k (Talk | contribs) (NPC saying more than one line)

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NPC saying more than one line

In-game you'll notice that NPCs will have multiple lines before the player can respond. They'll say one line, with a slight break, then say another line, and so on until its time for the player to speak up. My first attempt at this was just to have multiple OWNER lines in a row, but each line is a branch, and of course didnt work. My second attempt was to add empty player lines. If you have an owner reply to the empty line, the END DIALOGUE becomes CONTINUE. Tho, I had to add text to the line then clear it for the change to happen. But in game, the only button I could press that would continue the conversation was ESC. What is the proper way to make this happen? Interitus3841 10:22, 29 November 2009 (UTC)

Update: Instead of a blank response, or making that CONTINUE line, I just make the only dialogue choice to be "<desc>continue</desc>". Seems to work, tho I figured there would be a more seemless way to do this.

Yes, there is: After the OWNER line set a PLAYER line and change the Fast Pass option in the lower right corner to fast pass. The PLAYER lines will be automatically skipped and the NPC seems to speak multiple lines without much break. But think about the amount of text you confront the player with in those cases maybe a codex entry would be better. It is a good way to use henchmen interjections though or if you want other people standing near the OWNER to speak one or two lines without giving them their own conversation. Apolyon6k 22:40, 14 December 2010 (UTC)