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Revision as of 17:24, 26 December 2010 by Ladydesire (Talk | contribs)

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The mod conflicts section appears to assume that mods should go in packages override. Is that a technical requirement here? See Compatibility page for a discussion of this issue Proleric1 09:44, 23 December 2010 (UTC)

Where anyone thinks mods should go is irrelevant (not to mention debatable in the first place). The simple fact is that the overwhelming majority of mods utilise the Override folder and will continue to do so, therefore there will be conflicts in cases where chargenmorphcfg.xml is utilised. There's no point just telling people to make Addins. DarthParametric 17:40, 23 December 2010

OK, so there's no hard technical requirement to use packages override. Pragmatically, in this particular case, I see the argument that compatibility can be achieved by merging what other people have done in packages override. Presumably, the same result could be achieved by building a merged mod as an add-in which follows compatibility guidelines. Incidentally, I'd be interested to hear why you think the use of the folders which the toolset uses by default is questionable. Isn't this largely a matter of evidence rather than opinion? Proleric1 06:52, 24 December 2010 (UTC)

If a modder releases a single head morph preset, you're going to have a hard sell convincing them to spend time setting it up as an Addin for something so minor, not to mention that most end-users seem to baulk at the complexity of installing Addin-based mods anyway, judging from certain threads on the Social site. As long as a modder informs their end-users of the need to merge multiple chargenmorphcfg.xml files and how to do so, I see no issue with Override-based mods of this nature. If you want to add a section to the end telling people how to do it "properly", then do so. That's the whole point of a wiki, is it not? DarthParametric 09:56, 24 December 2010

Unfortunately, there are some things that must go in the Core Override folder and the chargenmorphcfg.xml [i]seems[/i] to be one of them; also, while such a merged pack would likely not have problems being distributed here, DA Nexus rules forbid "compilation packs", though how easily policed that particular rule is is questionable. Ladydesire 18:34, 25 December 2010 (UTC)

Do you mean (module) core override, or packages override? Proleric1 09:07, 26 December 2010 (UTC)

Packages\Core\Override; It may also work from Packages\Data\ but not in an erf file, as far as I know. Ladydesire 16:24, 26 December 2010 (UTC)