String keyword

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Revision as of 03:49, 25 October 2009 by Axe Murderer (Talk | contribs) (spelling)

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The string type represents a sequence of between zero and approximately two billion characters. The default value is a string containing zero characters.


A literal is a textual representation of a particular value of a type.

A string literal consists of zero or more characters enclosed in double quotes.


There is no explicit or implicit conversion to or from a location.


The following functions allow a string to exist outside of the scope of the current script by storing it on an object, effect or event:

The following functions allow a string which exists outside of the scope of the current script to be used in the current script by retrieving it from an object, effect or event:



Two or more strings can be concatenated together using the concatenation operator "+".

Escape sequences

Escape sequences are used to insert special characters into a string literal. An escape sequence begins with a backslash character "\" followed by another string literal character.

Sequence Description
\\ The "\" character
\n A new line (a carriage return and line feed)


void main()
    // uninitialised
    string sDefault;
    // initialised using "forty two" literal
    string sSpecific = "forty two";
    // initialised using concatenation
    string sConcatenated = "Hello " + "World";

See Also
