Job board

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Revision as of 17:27, 27 June 2009 by BryanDerksen (Talk | contribs) (imported from extranet)

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A Chanter's board is a type of placeable used to represent a bulletin board where jobs or quests are posted for the player. Quests on chanter's boards are generally minor side quests of no direct relevance to the plot.

Chanter's boards are created largely through the use of plots and 2DAs. The board itself should require only a script that calls the following function when it receives the PLACEABLE_ACTION_EXAMINE event:

ShowChantersGUI(integer BoardID);


The BoardID number for any particular board is defined in the 2DA "JobBoards", found in JobBoards.xls. This 2DA also defines a few things about what a given board looks like.

  • ID - The unique ID number for any given job board
  • LABEL - A string used by the toolset internally
  • Texture - the background texture displayed by the job board GUI
  • HeaderStrId - a [string ID] for a text header at the top of the board
  • ModuleRef - The campaign that owns this board
  • ShowDonationButton -
  • DonationScript - script to be fired for each donation. Amount donated should be int param 0
  • DonationMsgStrId - String for the message box that is shown when the donation is accepted

!!Note: Not sure if the donation system is functional, none of the boards in the game are set up for it and the donation script listed for them is nonexistent.!!


This second 2DA is responsible for placing entries on job boards.

  • ID - unique row ID number
  • LABEL - a comment field
  • PlotRef - The plot resource that this particular entry belongs to
  • BoardId - This ID number corresponds to the board's row ID in the JobBoards 2DA.
  • VisibleFlag - A flag ID number from the plot referenced in PlotRef. When this plot flag is set, the flag's journal entry will be shown as an entry on the job board. The title given to the entry on the board will be the "Name" property of the PlotRef plot, so you should probably have a separate plot file for each entry on the board.
  • AcceptedFlag - A flag ID number from the plot referenced in PlotRef. When the job is accepted by the player, this flag is set.
  • OfferID - Deprecated, no longer used
  • Comments

To make the quest offer disappear from the board once it's been accepted by the player, you'll need to have a plot script catch the AcceptedFlag set event and unset the VisibleFlag plot entry.

JobBoardPlots is an M2DA so it's easy to add new side quests to existing Chanter's boards.