Creating a module

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Revision as of 11:17, 12 December 2009 by Proleric1 (Talk | contribs) (Extending the game with addins)

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To create and modify modules, select "Manage Modules" from the File menu. This will bring up a list of existing modules, with a "New" button for creating new modules and a "Properties" button for editing the properties of existing modules. You can only edit the properties of the module that's currently open.

Select "Manage Modules"
Then click the "New" button to create a new module.

When you create a new module the properties window will open. Edit the "Name" field to name the new module, add a unique identifier string to the UID field, and then click "OK"; the other properties can be changed later on once you have some content to set them to.

Currently there is no way to delete a module within the toolset once it's been created.

To select which module you're working with, select the module in the Manage Modules list and click the "Open" button. Only resources that are available to the open module will be visible.

To open a module's object inspector window to modify its properties, open "manage modules", select the module, and click the "properties" button. For a detailed explanation of the properties you will see here, See module.

A module with no event script will start the player without going through character generation, which will leave the player with an almost unusable character to play with. See character generation for some simple character generation code you can use.

Extending the game with addins

The only module type that's supported by the toolset is "Addin". You can use addins in two basic ways; either to extend an existing campaign (such as the main campaign) or as a stand-alone campaign in its own right.

Addins can be enabled and disabled by the user in the "Downloadable content" menu from the game.

To create an addin that extends another module:

  1. Open File/Manage Modules
  2. Add a new Module
  3. Click on the “Hierarchy” button
  4. Select the parent module

Remember also to set the Extended Module property.

You can also create addins that add to or modify core resources, which are available to all modules of the game.

Core resources:

Any object template which is required in more than one module needs to be a core resource.

In the future, we may have the facility to export a character to a new module. In that case, any item that the player can use or that a creatures drops for the player, will need to be a core resource - otherwise, custom items will be lost on entry to the new module.

To create a core resource:

  1. Right click on properties for the resource in the Palette Window
  2. Change Module to: Core Game Resources
  3. Change Owner Module to: New Module Name

Be aware of dependencies between core and non-core resources; especially around scripts. If a core resource uses a non-core script, the script won't exist if you use the core resource in a different module.

There will be a separate talk table created for the Addin in its directories. When the game loads it will combine all the talk tables across all the addins that it knows about.