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Revision as of 14:26, 10 August 2010

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Judging Fairly

For each competition, there will be several judges. The contest organisers may all act as a judge, unless they are participating in the contest themselves. The procedure will go as follows:

  1. Entries are closed
    • At the deadline, all entries are collected.
    • A judging deadline will be set (typically around 5-7 days)
  2. Judging Phase begins
    • Organisers will browse the contest page and download the content to judge it.
    • Organisers will post feedback and comments on the entries for the entrant as well as judges and those wishing to download the work.
  3. Votes are cast during the Judging Phase
    • Judges submit their votes at any time during the judging phase to a single, named "contest counter" by email. These emails must be sent before the judging deadline.
    • The contest counter may not vote.
    • Emails shall contain only the following information:
      • Judge name (as it appears on BSN)
      • First place vote (worth 3 votes)
      • Second place vote (worth 2 votes)
      • Third place vote (worth 1 vote).
  4. Counting Phase begins
    • Once the deadline is reached, the counter totals up the votes and passes the totals along with the vote emails to a second counter.
    • The second counter confirms no mistake has been made, and the winners are announced.
  5. Results are announced
    • To protect the judges from abuse, their individual votes will not be made public.
    • Judges' names will be displayed to show how many people voted and that no votes were lost.
    • The contest page will be updated and winners notified.
    • Points page will be updated.

How will each judge decide on their winners?

Judges will each have their own assessment criteria. By nature of the fact we all have different opinions, some judges may place greater emphasis on originality, where others may prefer technical prowess. So long as you have met the minimum requirements and done your best to meet the "strong entry" suggestions, you can only do your best :)

What feedback will be given?

Some judges will use their own, personal scoring system to help them decide on a winner. They may share this with you. Other judges may simply leave comments, or constructive advice on how to improve your work.

What if two people have the same score?

To be decided.