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Rewards.xls is used to set up rewards given to players upon the completion of a plot.

Once the custom version of rewards.GDA is in the export folder for the module, the toolset must be restarted to make the new rewards visible to the plot editor.

Column Type Description
ID int A number that uniquely identifies the entry (unless creating an M2DA override). ID numbers are listed from smallest to highest within a given file but do not need to be consecutive.
Label string The name you see when you are setting a reward for completing a plot.
Copper int The amount of copper to reward the player with.
Silver int The amount of silver to reward the player with.
Gold int The amount of gold to reward the player with.
XP int The amount of experience to reward the player with (but see below).
Item1 string The resource name of an item to reward the player with, e.g. nw_ring01.uti.
Item2 string ""
Item3 string ""
Item4 string ""
Item5 string ""
Item6 string ""
Bonus Ability int Reference ID number of a bonus ability to grant to the player. A list can be found in 2da_constants_h in the toolset and ABI_base.

By default, the XP award is only 50% of the specified value. This is hard-coded in sys_rewards_h.

There is a bug which means that even standalone campaigns should use very high row id numbers.