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The materialtypes.xls workbook contains two worksheets that define the base and derived materials used with items.


The materialrules worksheet defines the base materials.

Column Type Description
ID int A number that uniquely identifies the entry (unless creating an M2DA override). ID numbers are listed from smallest to highest within a given file but do not need to be consecutive.
Label string A human-friendly identifier for this material
NameStrRef int
LongNameStrRef int
Damage float
Armor float
CritChanceModifier float
ArmorPenetration float
ShieldRating float
AbilityCostModifier float
ReqProp1Mod float
ReqProp2Mod float
RuneCount int
CostMultiplier float
AbilityScoreModifier float
OptimumRange float
Spellpower float
MissileDeflection float


The materialtypes worksheet defines the derived materials that can be assigned to an item. There can be multiple derived material types for each base material type, for example, both Armor, Iron, Weapon, Gray Iron and Shield, Iron (rows 1, 40 and 47 in materialtypes) are all derivatives of Iron (row 1 in materialrules).

The original version of materialtypes released with the toolset contains several columns which are not required as they are redundant or contained in materaialrules (above). The only columns that are required are:

  • ID
  • Label
  • Material
  • Sound_MatType
Column Type Description
ID int A number that uniquely identifies the entry (unless creating an M2DA override). ID numbers are listed from smallest to highest within a given file but do not need to be consecutive.
Label string A human-friendly identifier for this material, displayed in the toolset
TINTFILE string The resource name for the tint file, used to colorise an item model in the toolset and in game
Material int The ID of the base material from materialrules (above)
AbilityScoreModifier float n/a
StaminaUpkeep float n/a
LightArmorStrRef int n/a
LightArmorLevel int n/a
MediumArmorStrRef int n/a
MediumArmorLevel int n/a
HeavyArmorStrRef int n/a
HeavyArmorLevel int n/a
MassiveArmorStrRef int n/a
MassiveArmorLevel int n/a
WeaponMeleeStrRef int n/a
WeaponMeleeLevel int n/a
WeaponBowStrRef int n/a
WeaponBowLevel int n/a
ShieldStrRef int n/a
ShieldLevel int n/a
WandStrRef int n/a
WandLevel int n/a
LargeShieldStrRef int n/a
LargeShieldLevel int n/a
MaceStrRef int n/a
MaceLevel int n/a
MaulStrRef int n/a
MaulLevel int n/a
Defense float n/a
Damage float n/a
Armor float n/a
CritChanceModifier float n/a
ArmorPenetration float n/a
ShieldRating float n/a
Sound_MatType int The ID of the sound material from sound_item_materials in Sound_Material_Types.xls
AbilityCostModifier float n/a
ReqProp1Mod float n/a
ReqProp2Mod float n/a
RuneCount int n/a

See Also

  • Material progression in defined in TS_Material in TS_System.xls.