User talk:Sunjammer

From Dragon Age Toolset Wiki
Revision as of 22:50, 21 July 2009 by Sunjammer (Talk | contribs) (Move content from user page)

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Thanks for the touchups to the main page's layout. It's just something I threw together (by shamelessly ripping off the English Wikipedia's main page layout as a base inspiration) to make the page look like less of a wall of text, if you have ideas on how to spruce it up or reorganize it even more feel free to give it a shot. At some point the wiki will get a Dragon Age skin of some sort added to it so now's the chance to freestyle. BryanDerksen 22:10, 19 July 2009 (UTC)

Front Page Layout Test















DA Function Page Format

  • I think we can use the dascript mark up to auto-format the function's prototype: gives for a lighter and more consistent feel
  • The parameter/return/source were quite intense with the heavy bolding: used lighter weight and itallics however I had to fudge the indentation
I used definition list markup which is more semantically meaningful than simply italicizing and indenting. I can get the same effect by applying styles to the tags, I'll do that. BryanDerksen 21:31, 21 July 2009 (UTC)
After flipping back and forth a bit I think it loses something without having something to visually distinguish between term and definition, how about leaving the top-level ones bold? I've made a version of CreatePool illustrating this here. BryanDerksen 21:49, 21 July 2009 (UTC)
  • Reordered/tweaked subheadings
The "parts" subheading probably should be omitted since the substance inside it will be generated by the header template and won't be independently editable like the other subsequent sections. BryanDerksen 21:31, 21 July 2009 (UTC)
  • I think we should use the following subheadings:
    • Description: this should be the official full length description taken from the comments and only updated by people who know what they are talking about
Heh. Most of the functions in the core resources don't really have an "official" description. BryanDerksen 21:31, 21 July 2009 (UTC)
    • Remarks: this is known bugs, issues, workarounds, hints and tips, etc. basically anything that has been established through usage by BioWare or the Community (I stole some of the description to populate the example)
    • Examples: transcluded snippets from the script library
    • See Also: any related functions (not just those in the @sa comments) and any related function groups

NOTE: we can use the dascript config file to automatically link the return/data types. I will add that to the next version of the dascript.php file.

One other small change I'd suggest is the convention of making category names lower-case by default unless there's a specific reason not to, since MediaWiki is case sensitive it's best to go with what's easiest to remember and type. BryanDerksen 21:31, 21 July 2009 (UTC)

Oh, this discussion and the one on my user talk page should probably be moved to Template_talk:Dafunction. I'll do that in a bit if you've no objection? BryanDerksen 21:49, 21 July 2009 (UTC)


Reserves a block of memory for a fixed number of a particular type of creature.

int CreatePool(
    resource rTemplate,
    int nPoolSize



The template of the creature to use
Number of creatures of this template to create


TRUE if successful




Creatures of this type that are spawned with the CreateObject function in this area will use this block of memory, and when creatures of this type die or are set inactive their memory space will automatically be returned to the pool.

The purpose of this function is to allow for endlessly spawning monsters, or similar situations.


It should be used under EVENT_TYPE_AREALOAD_PRELOADEXIT. When creatures die or are set inactive they will automatically return to the pool.

Note that pool creatures should have "no permanent death" enabled, otherwise certain effects (such as decapitation) will remain on them when they respawn.

Pool size should be at least twice the number of enemies from that will ever be active simultaneously.


void main()
    // create a pool of 5 skeletons
    CreatePool(R"skeleton.utc", 5);

See Also