
From Dragon Age Toolset Wiki
Revision as of 10:05, 24 January 2010 by Apolyon6k (Talk | contribs) (External Tutorials)

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This page lists links to step-by-step tutorials, both on this wiki and on external sites.

See also the How-tos page, which contains much smaller and more focused guides on how to accomplish various common tasks.

Introductory tutorials

In the course of these tutorials we'll go through all the steps needed to create a basic adventure.

  • Boxes like this contain a checklist of important steps.
  • They're intended as a reminder and as a navigational aid.

This set of tutorials forms a series, each building on or filling in omissions by the last:

Once you've become familiar with the basics introduced on those tutorials you might have a better grounding for:

Demo module

The toolset currently ships with a simple demo module pre-loaded into its database.

Custom content tutorials

Character generation tutorials

Other Tutorials

External Tutorials