Cutscene effect

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Cutscene topics

Cutscene effects are shaders that can used in a cutscene for dramatic effect. The effects can be applied either to the MASTER object (in which case they apply to all cameras in the cutscene simultaneously) or to individual cameras.

List of cutscene effects

  • Fade In/Fade Out
  • da_bloom
  • da_blurdesaturate
  • da_bssrdf
  • da_bssrdf_shared
  • da_cleartogreen
  • da_colorfade
  • da_copybackbuffer
  • da_depth
  • da_distortion
  • da_dof
  • da_fade
  • da_hsvmatrix
  • da_motionblur
  • da_sepiafade

Fade In/Fade Out

This effect is only available for the MASTER object. Over the course of the event the screen will either fade in or out from a solid color, depending on the effect's type. The state of the view (faded in or faded out) will persist after the event, the event's duration only determines how rapidly the fade occurs.

End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins
Fade Color The color to fade in or out to.
Fade Type Whether this is a fade in or a fade out.


Causes bright areas of the image to "bleed" over into adjacent dark areas, and to oversaturate the camera.

The curve editor can be used to set the following parameters:

  • Brightness
  • Contrast
  • Glow intensity
  • Horizontal blur width
  • Vertical blur width
End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins
HBlurWidth Distance that the bloom's bleed-over extends in the horizontal direction.
VBlurWidth Distance that the bloom's bleed-over extends in the vertical direction.

Blur desaturate

The curve editor can be used with the following properties:

  • Brightness
  • Contrast
  • hblurwidth
  • hue
  • saturation
  • vblurwidth
End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins


End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins


End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins

Clear to Green

End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins

Color Fade

A more fine-tunable variant on the "Fade to black" effect, color fade allows you to set the beginning and end colors and transparency of the fade as well as how long it takes for the fade to happen. By making the fade take longer than the duration of the effect you can get a partial fade.

End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins
EndColourAlpha Transparency of the end color at TimeToFade seconds.
EndColourBlue Blueness of the end color at TimeToFade seconds.
EndColourGreen Greenness of the end color at TimeToFade seconds.
EndColourRed Redness of the end color at TimeToFade seconds.
StartColourAlpha Transparency of the color at the beginning of the fade (set to 0 to start out completely transparent)
StartColourBlue Blueness of the color at the beginning of the fade.
StartColourGreen Greenness of the color at the beginning of the fade.
StartColourRed Redness of the color at the beginning of the fade.
TimeToFade Time it takes for the fade to transition from the start color and transparency to the end color and transparency. Doesn't necessarily have to be the same as the duration of the effect - if it's longer the effect will only fade partway before ending, if it's shorter the fade will remain at the end color for the remaining duration of the effect.

Copy Back Buffer

End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins


End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins


End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins

Depth of Field (DOF)

Sets the camera's focus on near/far objects. By default all objects are in focus regardless of how far away they are, but a real-world camera has a limited ability to focus on objects of differing ranges.

The curve editor can be used to set the following properties:

  • Far fade
  • Focal radius
  • Focus distance
  • Max blur
  • Near fade
  • Weight blur
End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins
FarFade Distance over which focus is lost in the direction away from the camera.
FocalRadius The range over which the camera's focus is sharp, in meters.
FocalDistance The center of the range over which the camera's focus is sharp. Objects that are FocalDistance meters away ± FocalRadius will be in sharp focus.
NearFade Distance over which focus is lost in the direction toward the camera.
WeightBlur The strength of the blurring effect used on out-of-focus parts of the view.


The curve editor can be used with the following properties:

  • BlurStrength
End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins

HSV Matrix

Allows adjustment of the brightness, contrast, hue and saturation of the view.

The curve editor can be used to set the following properties:

  • Brightness
  • Contrast
  • Hue
  • Saturation
End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins
Brightness Brightness multiplier
Saturation Color intensity multiplier. 0 makes the view grayscale. Values between 0 and 1 make the colors muted, values greater than one make the colors unnaturally vibrant.

Motion Blur

Motion blur blends previous frames into the current frame, creating the effect of motion blur.

The curve editor can be used to set the blend property.

End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins
blend A range from 0-1. Determines the strength of the blur. Note that 1 produces a nonfunctional effect.

Sepia Fade

Adds a sepia (brown-hued) filter to the camera. Commonly used to indicate "old" film, often for flashbacks.

End Time The time that the action ends
Infinite If true this action extends on forever. It never ends.
Start Time The time that the action begins
TimeToFade Appears to have no effect