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[[Category:2da files]]
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[[Category:2da files from backgrounds.xls]]
[[Category:2da files from background.xls]]

Latest revision as of 19:09, 6 December 2016

The background_names 2da defines the starting area, starting waypoint, and surname for each race and class combination. It also provides a default creature template for the character, a default male forename, and a default female forename. These can be overridden by the player during character creation.

The 2da is defined as an m2da in the M2DA_base 2da and has an ID of 1001. It can be extended by m2da fragments which have names starting with background_names. It can be referenced in scripting using the TABLE_STARTING_EQUIPMENT constant defined in 2da_constants_h.


Column Type Description
ID int A number that uniquely identifies the entry (unless creating an M2DA override). ID numbers are listed from smallest to highest within a given file but do not need to be consecutive.
Label string Human-friendly description.
StartArea string Starting area's resref (i.e. excluding extension)
StartWP string Starting waypoint's tag
Template string Default creature resource (i.e. including extension)
DefaultNameMale int StringRef ID
DefaultNameFemale int StringRef ID
LastName int StringRef ID
Ability int Starting ability by background


The ID for each row is calculated using this formula (defined in the Chargen_GetEquipIndex function):

nRace * 1000 + nClass * 100 + nBackground

Where nRace, nClass and nBackground are the value of the corresponding ID from the race, class and background 2da files.